Friday, November 29, 2019

Sir Phillip Sidneys Sonnet # 47 From Astrophil And Stella Essays

Sir Phillip Sidney's Sonnet # 47 From Astrophil And Stella Sir Phillip Sidney's Sonnet # 47 from Astrophil and Stella The sonnet is a short concise form of writing and it takes a great mind to master it. By mastering it, I mean to be able to say so much in what seems like so little space. Sir Phillip Sidney comes as close to mastering it as anyone else in his time or any other does. As the opening line says, this is about a betrayal. Strangely enough, the last line of the sonnet ends with a word that is the very essence of betrayal. The sonnet ends with the word, lie. This would cause one to expect to get an explanation of the betrayal between the first and last lines. This appears to be a story of both love and betrayal. In the sonnet, it is love that betrays. The narrator opens the sonnet with a question to himself. He wants to know if he has betrayed his own liberty or his freedom. The next three lines of this quatrain use imagery of slavery. The narrator is struggling in knowing if he were born free or if he were born a slave to this love. He raises a question in the closing line of the quatrain, if anyone can handle the confines of love and the boundaries it seems to place on a person. The first quatrain uses such dark imagery that for Americans today brings up thoughts of the Civil War. The fact is, slavery as Americans today think of it was not around in Sidney's time. He wrote Astrophil and Stella around three hundred years before the Civil War. Also, the way Sidney lays out the first quatrain is peculiar. A single line that is not indented is placed, followed by a couplet that Sidney indents, which is then followed by the last line that is not indented. The same format is used in the next quatrain as well. In this quatrain, the imagery is still dark but shifts from slavery to more of personal feelings. The narrator is questioning whether he wants to have sense enough to feel the misery that he is in. In the second, line is questions whether he wants the spirit to show that he despises his love. He has wanted her for a long time and he is in misery without her, he is in this deep misery and the only thing he has is his despise for begging. The third quatrain is different from the first two in its format. The first line is indented and the other three are not. This would cause one to think that this line is set apart for a reason. The first two words say why, it is an exclamation to wake up. It is meant to stand out much like a mother coming into a child's room and yelling wake up very early in the morning. Here, the narrator is telling Virtue within himself to awake. He wants to do the right thing. He realizes that although this girl is beautiful, he does not love her and he must let her go. It is not fair to hold on to someone in a relationship or in the words of the first quatrain, keep someone a slave to you, if you do not love them. This is a commentary from over four hundred years ago that is still true in relationships today. Today, people will date or stay together in an unhealthy relationship for stupid reasons or superficial reasons and either one or both of the people do not love the other. The last couplet, the closing lines of the sonnet, also tell the story of relationships today. In the beginning of the relationship he thought that he may have been in love with her. He lied by telling her that he did love her and now, after all of the struggle, his heart is starting to see the fact that he is indeed not in love with her, that it has just been tricked or has been following his tongue, which has been lying to her. This whole sonnet, although written hundreds of years ago, could not be anymore true

Monday, November 25, 2019

Italian Degree of Comparison Adjectives

Italian Degree of Comparison Adjectives There are three types of degree of comparison adjectives in Italian: positivo (positive), comparativo (comparative), and superlativo (superlative). Positive Adjectives (Aggettivi di Grado Positivo)Italian positive adjectives are those that do not provide any comparison: Il clima à ¨ mite.The climate is mild. La poltrona à ¨ comoda.The seat is comfortable. Comparative Adjectives (Aggettivi di Grado Comparativo)An adjective is comparative when it expresses a comparison between people, animals, things, different degrees of quality, or diverse actions. With respect to the type of comparison offered, the comparative can be: of maggioranza- expressed by the adverb pià ¹ (placed before the adjective) and the preposition di or the conjunction che (placed before the second term of comparison): Piero à ¨ pià ¹ studioso di Andrea.Piero is more studious than Andrea. Carlo à ¨ pià ¹ pigro che volenteroso.Charles is more lazy than eager. NOTE: Che is preferred instead of da before an adjective, participle, or infinitive. of uguaglianza, expressed by the correlative adverbs (tanto)†¦quanto, (cosà ¬)†¦come: Giulia à ¨ (tanto) bella quanto sua madre.Julia is as beautiful as her mother. Marco à ¨ (tanto) gentile quanto premuroso.Mark is as gentle as he is thoughtful. Luigi à ¨ (cosà ¬) alto come Giorgio.Luigi is as tall as George. of minoranza - expressed by the adverb meno (placed before the adjective) and the preposition di or the conjunction che (placed before the second term of comparison): Sono meno paziente di te.Im less patient than you. Ti considero meno volenteroso che intelligente.I consider you less eager than intelligent. NOTE: The comparatives of maggioranza and minoranza can sometimes be modified, reinforced, or weakened by the adverbs molto, poco, troppo, assai, tanto, alquanto, parecchio, and un po: Mario à ¨ poco pià ¹ grande del fratello.Mario is not much bigger than his brother. Sono molto meno stanco di te.I am much less tired than you. Superlative Adjectives (Aggettivi di Grado Superlativo)Superlative adjectives indicate an exceptional or extraordinary quality. The superlative degree may be assoluto (absolute) or relativo (relative): assoluto when it offers no comparison with other people or things or qualities. It is formed:  »Ã‚  by adding the ending issimo to the adjective dolce- dolcissimo- dolcissimiamara- amarissima- amarissime NOTE: The adjectives ending in co and go retain or lose their guttural sound according to the relevant rules of plural formation: ricco- ricchissimopratico- pratichissimo NOTE: adjectives ending in io, in which the i is tonic, keep the letter in the superlative form: pio- piissimo NOTE: adjectives ending in io, in which the i is atonic, lose that letter in the superlative form: saggio- saggissimo  »Ã‚  in a few instances by adding the ending errimo to the adjective: acre- acerrimo aspro- asperrimo (asprissimo) celebre- celeberrimo integro- integerrimo misero- miserrimo (miserissimo)  »Ã‚  by adding the ending entissimo to adjectives that end in dico, fico, or vole: benefico- beneficentissimo benevolo- benevolentissimo maledico- maledicentissimo malevolo- malevolentissimo magnifico- magnificentissimo munifico- munificentissimo  »Ã‚  by repetition of the adjective: un cane piccolo piccoloa small dog unandatura lenta lentaa slow pace  »Ã‚  prefacing the adjective with adverbs such as molto, assai, estremamente, straordinariamente, enormemente, or oltremodo: un libro molto interessantea very interesting book una gita assai movimentataa very eventful trip un film estremamente realisticoan extremely realistic film  »Ã‚  placing phrases as quanto mai or oltre ogni dire before or after the adjective: una giornata quanto mai noiosaa very annoying day un uomo abitudinario oltre ogni direa creature of habit beyond words  »Ã‚  by adding prefixes such as arci, extra, iper, sopra, sovra, stra, super, or ultra: unopera arcinotaa very well-known work una matita extrafineextra-fine pencil un giornalista ipercriticoa hypercritical journalist uno sforzo sovrumanoa superhuman effort un uomo strariccoan extremely rich man un motore superpotenzea super-powerful engine una politica ultraconservatricean ultra-conservative politician  »Ã‚  with the use of expressions that reinforce the meaning of the adjective: bello da impazzireso good-looking that it makes one crazy matto da legaremad as a hatter pazzo furiosomadman ricco sfondatofilthy rich stanco mortodead tired ubriaco fradicioblind drunk, smashed, blotto relativo when it indicates an exceptional or extraordinary quality; however, it must be in relation to a defined group or restricted to people or things of the same kind. It is formed:  »Ã‚  by prefacing the comparativo di maggioranza or comparativo di minoranza with a definite article and placing a term such as di, tra, or che before the second term of comparison: il pià ¹ serio tra i colleghithe most serious among colleagues il meno spiritoso della compagniathe least witty of the group NOTE:  »Ã‚  the definite article may precede the noun instead of the relative superlative: Quello à ¨ il treno pià ¹ veloce del mondo.That is the fastest train in the world. Quel treno à ¨ il pià ¹ veloce del mondo.That train is the fastest in the world.  »Ã‚  the second term of comparison can be implied: Carlo à ¨ il pià ¹ fortunato (tra gli amici, i colleghi)Charles is the luckiest (among friends, colleagues) There are some  aggettivi  qualificativi  (qualifying adjectives) that, in addition to the normal form of the comparative and superlative, have a Latin-derived form that is preferred in figurative expressions (see table below): la  cima  pià ¹Ã‚  altathe highest peak il  somma  poetathe great poet il  pià ¹ piccolo  sforzothe smallest effort la  minima  importanzathe least significant There are some adjectives that lack the positive (grado  positive) and other forms: POSITIVO  Ã‚  Ã‚  COMPARATIVO  Ã‚  Ã‚  SUPERLATIVO ASSOLUTO-   Ã‚  Ã‚  -   Ã‚  Ã‚  primo-   Ã‚  Ã‚  anteriore  Ã‚  Ã‚  - -   Ã‚  Ã‚  posteriore  Ã‚  Ã‚  postumo-   Ã‚  Ã‚  ulteriore  Ã‚  Ã‚  ultimo Il  primo  dellanno (il giorno che precede tutti gli altri)The first of the year (the day that precedes all the others) i  fatti  anteriori  allaccaduto (precedenti)the facts prior to the incident le zampe  anteriori  del cavallo (davanti)the forelegs of the horse un documento  posteriore  (successivo)a subsequent document le zampe  posteriori  (di dietro)the hind legs unopera  postuma  (pubblicata dopo la morte)a posthumous work ulteriori  chiarimenti (successivi e aggiuntivi)further clarifications lultimo  treno (che viene dopo tutti gli altri)the last train (which comes after all the others) lultima  casa della strada (la pià ¹ lontana)the last house on the street (the farthest) Adjectives that lack a comparative and superlative form include:  »Ã‚  adjectives that indicate material characteristics or qualities: chimicochemical romboidalerhomboidal ironferreo  »Ã‚  adjectives that indicate time periods: giornalierodaily settimanaleweekly mensilemonthly  »Ã‚  adjectives expressing nationalities, religions, or political beliefs: statunitenseU.S. protestanteProtestant comunistaCommunist  »Ã‚  adjectives already altered: grassoccioplump piccolinolittle one grandicellogrown-ups ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF AGGETTIVI QUALIFICATIVI POSITIVO COMPARATIVO SUPERLATIVO ASSOLUTO alto superiore sommo/supremo basso inferiore infimo buono migliore ottimo cattivo peggiore pessimo grande maggiore massimo piccolo minore minimo interno interiore intimo esterno esteriore estremo vicino (viciniore) prossimo

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Colonization in China and India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Colonization in China and India - Essay Example Hence, our group somehow ruled the school population. Definitely my group's feat in school cannot match the real colonizers back in the 18th and 19th century when European conquistadors settled in foreign lands where their galleons docked, eventually migrated to that place and shared their knowledge to the natives. This word used to be the "in" thing among the rich empires almost three centuries ago. European countries spearheaded colonialism, adding more states and territories to their naturally rich metropolis. "Colonizers generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory and may also impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population ("Colonialism")." Today, most of the countries were once a colony of Europe or America. A number of decolonized country can be found in Asia, take China and India. According to history books and encyclopedias, ever-changing dynasty rule has weakened China. "The first reliable historical Chinese dynasty is the Shang, which settled along the Yellow River in eastern China from the 18th to 12th century BC ("China")." Invasions by other states soon followed to unseat the Shang. Such wars continued to overthrow one dynasty after the other. "Regime change was often violent and the new ruling class usually needed to take special measures to ensure the loyalty of the overthrown dynasty." Because of the unstable imperial regime, "European countries and the United States exploited the weakness of China." However, the world's super powers still "maintained a so-called international concessions in China, a sort of colonial enclave; the coastal towns of Macau and Hong Kong (Student's Surname) 3 were held on long-term leases by Portugal and the United Kingdom." On 1843, United States President John Tyler wrote a missive to Chinese Emperor Dao Guang, expressing the desire to broaden the trading system between the two countries. US President Tyler wrote, "let the people trade not only at Canton, but also at Amoy, Ningpo, Shanghai, Fuhchan, and all such other places as may offer profitable exchanges both to China and the United States provided they do not break your laws nor our laws ("Letter")." Apart from the US, Britain also took advantage of this scheme. As written in Chinese history, it was this time that China "awoke to the significance of the rest of the world, particularly the West." However, as China opened up to foreign trade and missionary activity opium became available. Two Opium Wars with Britain weakened the Emperor's control." But not all

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Module 4 - Case Training and Appraisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Module 4 - Case Training and Appraisals - Essay Example and development of skills eventually creating business leaders possessing exceptional business acumen with the ability to inspire people and prepare them for future challenges. The discipline of Human Resource Management introduced various methodologies for managing employee performance, these tools ranged from performance appraisals based on rating scales to objective setting and later on performance surveys were introduced. An essential element of these appraisals was the performance feedback given to the employee after the actual appraisal based on which development efforts were planned by the incumbent supported by the Human Resource department (Greenhaus et al., 2009). The distribution of rewards after the performance appraisal or resulting promotions made this area an important aspect for the employee hence the human element of biasness diluted the traditional appraisal process. To avoid the evils of biasness mostly exhibited by the supervisor and resulting disagreements from the subordinates, performance feedback was taken from multiple sources and 360 degree feedback technique was adopted by numerous organizations. The 360 feedback process reveals the blind spots in behavioral characteristics of the subject by collecting anonymous feedback from multiple sources usually termed as supervisor (s), subordinate(s), peers and customers. The process gives an effective account of one’s performance, highlighting the development areas without much biasness and since the feedback is coming from multiple sources there is a lesser probability that the subject would disagree with the results. The process itself is composed of three stages, preparation and initiation, collection of feedback and development stage. The first stage includes identification of working relationships within the organization determining the important factor of ‘who would rate who’, behavioral clusters are identified with each having a set of probing questions along with rating criteria;

Monday, November 18, 2019


CORPORATE OWNERSHIP, GOALS, and GOVERNANCE - Research Paper Example Blair looks at the rights of owners and concludes that shareholders do not have sufficient rights to be called the corporate owners. The article details the rights that owners have such as the right to acquire and dispose off assets and a right to get profits generated by the asset and its sale. The article claims that shareholders do not possess all these rights instead it is distributed to various stakeholders. The article argues that since these rights are not possessed by shareholders, it cannot be said that they are the owners of companies. The author also says that calling shareholders the owners of companies cannot guarantee them the rights of owners. However, the author in conclusion advocates for not distributing these rights because they may discourage investment. The distribution of rights between the shareholders and managers is also discussed. The shareholders, given that they contribute capital, have a right to elect the directors. Directors are the ones who make invest ment decisions on behalf of the shareholders. The shareholders do not possess the ultimate right to control the decision making of managers. The author says that this is because in large corporations the shareholders may be so many that even the managers may not know some of them. Shareholders also have limited liability and so cannot be responsible for the debts of firms. This author says this denies them the ultimate right to say that they are the owners of the firms. To support his argument, the author looks at how corporations create wealth. She says that wealth creation in a firm is not just because of the share capital of shareholders, but other stakeholders such as customers, employees and suppliers also make special investment contributions that are important to the company. The authors say that all stakeholders in the firm are investors. She gives an example of employees who dedicate their time and human resource to serve the firm. Even though they are compensated, they nee d to be recognized in the ownership of the firm. In conclusion the article discourages the view of looking at ownership of firms in terms of assets invested. It argues that the employees also create wealth for firms and their contribution must be respected. The article puts up a strong defense for inclusion of other parties, especially the employees in the ownership of firms. This view is good, but it fails to state what level of ownership can these stakeholders posses. Inclusion of employees as owners of firms just by virtue that they help in wealth creation would present a complex scenario in the ownership and management of firms. The only recommendation would be that the employees should be encouraged to buy shares in the firm so that they can be part of owners. â€Å"Corporate Ownership and Governance† by Connelly Brian et al The aim of this article is to demonstrate that corporate governance is not a reserve of the board of directors but also owners participate in the go vernance of firms. They do this by looking at the different forms of corporate ownership and how they influence decision making in the firm. They divide this in two categories, outside ownership and inside ownership. Inside Ownership This is when stock is held by the insiders. These insiders tend to make decisions that favor the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Research Supporting Policy Making in Tourism

Research Supporting Policy Making in Tourism Outline the key requirements for good research and identify how research might support policy-making. Research, defined as a broad range of processes designed to provide policy makers and managers with information that is objective, reliable and as reproducible as possible (Bull, 1999) is a vital business tool used to support policy makers in making decisions. Page (2003) also suggests that tourism policy-making is inherently a political activity, affected by the formal structure of government. A wide range of forces affects policy making, and policy does not exist in a vacuum, because various agencies exist to implement it. Drew (1980) suggests that research is conducted to solve problems and to expand knowledge, and stresses that research is a systematic way of asking questions, a systematic method of enquiry (taken from Bell, 1999). As previously mentioned, policy making is a fundamental business tool, however it must be noted that undertaking research is also a very expensive, time consuming and complex task and researchers must be able to select the right information to avoid further implications. Research activity supports policy-making in a number of ways. First of all if a company is deciding to open a new site in a different country for example, they will need to know who their competitors are, how accessible is the place, where will the labour come from, what impact will this have on the locals? How safe is the area? How will the marketing and advertising be conducted to ensure its success? It is clear from this simple example how complicated and time consuming information gathering can be. Primary data, secondary data, or both may be used in a research investigation. Primary data is original data gathered for a specific purpose as for example interviewing the local community, while secondary data is data that has already been collated for similar purposes, i.e. crime statistics. Data here, could be collected either through quantitative, therefore utilising a positivist approach, or qualitative methods therefore adopting a phenomenological approach. Policy makers will need to know whether that policy is going to be successful, politically/legally/ethnically acceptable, the costs involved, the number of staff needed to implement that policy and whether it fits with the wants, needs and aspirations of the people directed at (Ritchie and Goeldner,1994). Taking into consideration the fact that research can be an expensive and time consuming task and that this may make or break policy decisions, some key requirements for good research have been identified. Bell (1999) suggests that the following are to be considered as key requirements for good research to be conducted: the utility of data, therefore the data that can be used, the cost-effectiveness whereby benefits must be greater than costs; timeliness therefore data that will be there when needed; accuracy, data will need to be accurate; and finally whatever procedure for collecting data is selected, it should always be examined critically to assess to what extent it is likely to be reliable. Reliability is the extent to which a procedure provides similar results under constant conditions on all occasion, however due to the nature of tourism this is not always the case. Three policies examples will now be provided to show how research generated the information that was needed to make those policy decisions. The first policy considered is that of Stonehenge. As suggested by Chris Blandford Associates (2000) this World Heritage Site survived for thousands of years and not so long ago two roads were introduced into the landscape, bringing with them ever increasing traffic and serious environmental problems. Governments proposal to close the A344 and to place the A303 in a 2 Kilometre tunnel where it passes the stone has raised many arguments. The policy for Stonehenge all started with the vision to save this site from environmental degradation and placing it back in its original and unique settings, by eliminating the impact on the environment made by the noise and sight of traffic. The way in which this could be achieved was by closing one road, the A344, and introducing a two kilometre tunnel. It is important to stress that the decision of policy mak ers to close the road and introduce the tunnel to solve the problem, has not been decided overnight, but has been the result of extensive study and consultation since 1991, and alternative ways have been considered prior to the decision. Between 1991 and 1993 other 50 possible routes were considered. At this stage researchers decided to gather primary data, by means of a panel, from local bodies and organisations in order to have their views on the matter. Each representative gave their own view, and during the process all the possible alternatives were considered and discussed. A Public Consultation was held in April 1993, whereby four routes were put forward as a possible solution to the problem. In 1994 two national bodies organised a one-day international to debate solutions for both a road improvement and a new visitor centre for Stonehenge (Chris Blandford Associates, 2000). A Public Exhibition was held in September 1995 and a Planning Conference followed in November 1995 to understand publics and other interested organisations perceptions and ideas of the proposal. A further public consultation was held in 1999, and once again households in the vicinity were consulted (Chris Blandford Associates, 2000). In Nov ember 2000, the Highway Agency conducted primary research to gather qualitative and quantitative data by means of desk study and field

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Opposites Attract in Antony and Cleopatra Essay -- Antony Cleopatra Es

Opposites Attract in Antony and Cleopatra      Ã‚   William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is a play that is centred around a pair of historical lovers from two distinct cultures, Mark Antony from Rome and Queen Cleopatra from Egypt. The Roman and Egyptian cultures have vastly different norms and social ideas that are almost complete polar opposites in nature. These conflicting views are instrumental in the way that Cleopatra and Antony act. These two characters are so great in their respective societies that they serve as models to look to, although Antony may not be everybody's perfect vision of what a Roman should be. It is also important to look at not only what these two characters think of their cultures, but what cultural outsiders think as well. Through all of this, it will be shown how these primarily opposite cultures can function together, and bring together two of the most prominent lovers in all of Shakespeare, if not in all of recorded western history.    Cleopatra and Antony cannot be seen as average human beings. Never are they described in the same manner as Shakespeare would describe others in this play. "Each truly is all but everything in himself and herself, and knows it, and neither fears that he or she is really nothing in himself or herself, or nothing without the other" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations 1). These two are magnificent and mighty characters, in very grand roles, both in this play and in history.    Antony, as one of the triumvirs, is much more than an individual Roman soldier. He is one of the three who hold the entire known world in a powerful authoritative grip. Antony, acknowledges the force and magnitude of his and Cleopatra's personalities when he sends a messa..., 1988. 109-35. Barton, Anne. "'Nature's Piece 'Gainst Fancy': The Divided Catastrophe in Antony and Cleopatra." Modern Critical Interpretations: William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. 35-55. Bloom, Harold, ed. Introduction. Modern Critical Interpretations: William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. ---. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. Kittredge, George Lyman. Introduction. Antony and Cleopatra. By William Shakespeare. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1966. Markels, Julian. The Pillar of the World: Antony and Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Development. Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1968. Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra. Ed. John Wilders. London: Routledge, 1995.    Opposites Attract in Antony and Cleopatra Essay -- Antony Cleopatra Es Opposites Attract in Antony and Cleopatra      Ã‚   William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is a play that is centred around a pair of historical lovers from two distinct cultures, Mark Antony from Rome and Queen Cleopatra from Egypt. The Roman and Egyptian cultures have vastly different norms and social ideas that are almost complete polar opposites in nature. These conflicting views are instrumental in the way that Cleopatra and Antony act. These two characters are so great in their respective societies that they serve as models to look to, although Antony may not be everybody's perfect vision of what a Roman should be. It is also important to look at not only what these two characters think of their cultures, but what cultural outsiders think as well. Through all of this, it will be shown how these primarily opposite cultures can function together, and bring together two of the most prominent lovers in all of Shakespeare, if not in all of recorded western history.    Cleopatra and Antony cannot be seen as average human beings. Never are they described in the same manner as Shakespeare would describe others in this play. "Each truly is all but everything in himself and herself, and knows it, and neither fears that he or she is really nothing in himself or herself, or nothing without the other" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations 1). These two are magnificent and mighty characters, in very grand roles, both in this play and in history.    Antony, as one of the triumvirs, is much more than an individual Roman soldier. He is one of the three who hold the entire known world in a powerful authoritative grip. Antony, acknowledges the force and magnitude of his and Cleopatra's personalities when he sends a messa..., 1988. 109-35. Barton, Anne. "'Nature's Piece 'Gainst Fancy': The Divided Catastrophe in Antony and Cleopatra." Modern Critical Interpretations: William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. 35-55. Bloom, Harold, ed. Introduction. Modern Critical Interpretations: William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. ---. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. Kittredge, George Lyman. Introduction. Antony and Cleopatra. By William Shakespeare. Waltham, MA: Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1966. Markels, Julian. The Pillar of the World: Antony and Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Development. Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1968. Shakespeare, William. Antony and Cleopatra. Ed. John Wilders. London: Routledge, 1995. Â